A question for those who consider themselves Intelligent and mature enough to answer honestly.? - mature doing it themselves
Since none of us knows what it is to know everything, it is possible that God could not exist in the amount of things that I do not know?
Are you the sincere search for truth or search for the truth as an aspect of the criminal investigation?
For those who are willing to seek an honest, you will just said, ok God
They do not know or believe that they are real, but if you want to know me from reading the book of John with an open mind, I'll do what I said.
You can read John in many different versions, while in www.biblegateway.com
When you explain to say that coming to know the search for the truth, that God does not exist, please.
Frankly, I was wondering if there is a God or some higher power out there. That would answer some questions. Those who seem easy, but they are, how we got here? Why are we here? What is our aim? I do not think believing in a god because I do not see how you can get read once and for all what I've seen, and in my life, but I have to go a long way. I think what I want, I do not. This makes it very important to me right I now.Knowing at least try.
I know that the God presented by the majority of Christians there. The working definition of it contains a logical impossibility.
I know the potential of each individual submitted to God, most of them have operational definitions contain or lead to a logical impossibility.
I know what these animals do not exist.
It is possible that a god with a different operational definition. So, if you can an operational definition of a deity that does not contain the logical impossibilities, come talk to me.
You're so selfish. That of all the people who are committed to the king of all to follow its terms. Knees and ask his face with a sincere heart, as it is written that God hinder the faces of those who seek to Mijas.
Stretch your mind first. It is a, you must make an appointment with him, made no appointment to meet you.
God opens his heart that he chooses, and to read the chance this same thread.
My search for the truth has given me a concrete answer, but the tools, facts, personal beliefs, morals, etc., to make my own decision. I think everyone (in particular) now know the truth. I need evidence or my personal experience, believe it all, so I lost faith in faith.
My search for the truth has given me a concrete answer, but the tools, facts, personal beliefs, morals, etc., to make my own decision. I think everyone (in particular) now know the truth. I need evidence or my personal experience, believe it all, so I lost faith in faith.
And what's up with all the other gods have done for mankind ever?
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_rel ...
It is easy to invent things without proof, but faith is a folly.
I am looking for the truth, like the eyes of the police for criminals: When examining the evidence.
You know what? There is no evidence of a God, let it be correct and that your parents said was right.
It is possible that God exists .. I think it does.
I honestly seeking the truth .. ask me the right way, which showed me every day. that everything I say is .. I need help with this, I find my own way. Everyone needs God in their own way to be found.
Nobody can prove it exists or not .. This is called faith or lack of.
As a Deist, I believe in God. I give God more credit than lack of intelligence, that the biblical fanatics.
I think the proselytizing nonsense deaf people who think with logic.
Everyone knows buying bull shit.
For most people who know your life better or worse than to be used the responses, and where it comes from and how it happened or something. If you have a crutch to spend the day, too bad.
Shut up and to leave people alone.
If God exists in the amount of things that I know nothing, it will be looking statements to make on his behalf, and the concept of theism, is questionable.
I believe that anything is possible, but it is not rational to believe in something without evidence.
Good question!
I totally agree with your question.
I believe that even in Jesus Christ.
I've never had a problem, not to believe.
God Bless!
If God is not recognized, the author of John did not have either known about God. The Gospels were ordinary people like us.
An omnipotent God should be in a position to prove myself there without reading the book of John. So I will skip this part.
Or vice versa: "Do not take God know or believe that they are real, but if you want to familiarize myself with the reading of the Quran with an open mind ....."
Are you promoting the religion to a Web site? And I thought that mankind did not fall at least not ...
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