Diseases caused by muay thai? - muay thai, arthritis
This question is for my friend, say the practice Muay Thai Muay thai.somebody causes (1) arthritis. (2) are frequently used protector.can head that causes Parkinson's disease?
Diseases caused by muay thai? - muay thai, arthritis
This question is for my friend, say the practice Muay Thai Muay thai.somebody causes (1) arthritis. (2) are frequently used protector.can head that causes Parkinson's disease?
1. Any strenuous activity later in time can help to establish joint pain, mainly because of repeated damage to joints, sprains and injuries, such as MULTIPLE.
That does not mean limited Muay Thai. Almost all of strenuous exercise is not the exercise of the joints, leading to problems. This does not mean that we do not guarantee arthritis in the street.
2. Head protection is not the cause of Parkinson's disease, repeated head injuries may increase the risk. (There is no known cause, there are factors that need to increase the risk), severe head injuries concussion means not only here and there beaten. If your friend is then repeated blows outs risk is higher, yes. But, bear in mind the large number of wrestlers have retired and Parkinson's disease, as in soccer players. The only fighter who is remarkable, with Muhammad Ali, who in all honesty, the boys had almost no penalty as George Foreman, Hector Commacho, Ray Mancini made, etc.. Michael J. Fox, Pope John Paul II, JanetReno, Salvador DalĂ, everyone has had Parkinson's disease without repeated head injuries.
It is suspected that a genetic link, especially with a specific mutated gene. Repeated head injury increases the risk, especially those who have this gene. But not 'cause Parkinson's.
I hope that helps.
Any contact sports injuries cause high joint or sprains, fractures, or age than their competitors. As head protection, there is no way that can have a protective plastic or mesh roof lead to disease. It would not be delayed for protector. Literally, a place kick and can disable a nerve, "crack" a part of the spine or your face smashed to a pulp. I know I did. Be sure to use the protector, and wear padded belt or clothing such as gloves, ankle gel to prevent damage that can later on arthritis.
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